擁有Value of the Sun美稱的Phoenix,日出日落都給人無盡的驚喜。 午後在運河步道上數著呼吸慢跑,跑著跑著抬頭望向Piestewa Peak, 深紫色的夕陽大片灑落在荒蕪的稜線上,折射出若有似無的光影, 恰似安排好的耳機裡緩緩播放Tame Impala的Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, 替眼前這片無法用言語形容的美奏出最佳的配樂。 開始了整晚的Psychedelic Music循環。
Tame Impala是來自澳洲自2007年開始的迷幻搖滾樂團, 音樂總像一陣山谷裡吹來的清風,帶著不知名的淡淡花香味,舒適又充滿幻想空間。 閉上眼聽著Tame Impala曾有人說就像吸食LSD後所帶來的幻覺那樣魔幻, 連Wikipedia裡的樂團timeline介紹都帶有psychedelic風格的他們, 絕對值得投資在你iPhone的播放清單裡!
"It feels like I only go backwards baby, Every part of me says go ahead, I've got my hopes up again, oh no, not again. It feels like we only go backwards, darlin" "稍作停留的喘息是成長的必須"
When I woke up this morning, loneliness stroke me all of sudden, and I looked up on my calendar, then realized it's November 11 today., which is aka "single holiday" in China, because of its symbol as four single people "11/11." I am not a super homesick kinda person, just like sometimes you crave chocolate, because you love it so much, and so do I feel towards my family. I love them so much and they are always on my mind wherever I am. By coincidence, I clicked my old playlist which I created probably 8, 9 years ago, overwhelmingly, all the memories with my family swept all over me. I remembered every family we planned ahead, every great lesson my parents taught my brother and I, and every moment we spent all together as the best team in the world. Today, as a tribute to my beloved family, I would like to share some songs we love to listen during trip with you. Maybe it will remind you the 90's feeling. Hope you enjoy them!