農曆新年結束後,忙碌的新生活也接踵而來,每天上班時都告訴自己,今天下班後絕對要生出一篇Song of The Day,
沉寂許久的illusiveheaven,今天要用Beach House的Take Care的溫柔緊緊擁抱每個不離不棄的你
來自美國的雙人組合─Beach House,由法國出生的主唱兼keyboard手Victoria,與美國吉他手Alex於2004年成立,如夢似幻的夢幻流行曲風,輕輕一攬就征服你我的心。
Victoria溫柔卻又不失堅毅的嗓音,更替Beach House的音樂帶來強烈的獨立女性特質,在清悠的旋律中,成為歌曲裡堅定不疑的指南針。
今天要推薦給大家的是Beach House的 Take Care。好喜歡這首歌的鋼琴旋律,不複雜的單音
和弦卻穩穩的成為歌曲中的領航燈,巧妙的連結著吉他琴弦與鼓聲刷奏,再Beach House的音樂裡,你是被緊緊包圍密實的保護著的,沒有人能打破他們歌曲裡的寧靜與平和。
和弦卻穩穩的成為歌曲中的領航燈,巧妙的連結著吉他琴弦與鼓聲刷奏,再Beach House的音樂裡,你是被緊緊包圍密實的保護著的,沒有人能打破他們歌曲裡的寧靜與平和。
Stand beside it, we can't hide the way it
makes us glow
It's no good unless it grows, feel this burning, love of mine
Deep inside the ever-spinning, tell me does it feel
It's no good unless it's real, hill sides burning
Wild-eyed turning til we're running from it
I'd take care of you if you'd ask me to
In a year or two
It's no good unless it grows, feel this burning, love of mine
Deep inside the ever-spinning, tell me does it feel
It's no good unless it's real, hill sides burning
Wild-eyed turning til we're running from it
I'd take care of you if you'd ask me to
In a year or two