很多樂迷認識他們的第一次都是2010年病毒式拼命放送的"Pumped Up Kicks",
Foster the People便於隔年趁勝追擊的發行第一張專輯《Torches》,
更多膾炙人口的歌曲如 "Helena Beats"、"Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)"等等,
終於一雪Foster the People過去不得志的前恥,更令大家引頸期盼他們未來的新作品。
睽違三年,Foster the People推出第二張全新大碟《Supermodel》。
大幅提升整張專輯的層次,Foster the People再次用他們的音樂證明自己無窮的潛力。
第一波主打 "Coming of Age" 和 嘲諷意味濃厚的 "Best Friend",幾乎原汁原味的與專輯概念相呼應,
今天不給大家聽主打歌曲,要推薦專輯裡一首我非常喜歡的小品─ Goats in Trees!
對我來說,它完整表達了因社會/人的冷感, 進而影響自己對世界的態度,希望與絕望其實只有一線之隔...
Well, pleased to meet you, excuse my hands
I've been bitten by an enemy that's pretended to be my friend
No I never wanted to be like them
I thought I was just too clever
To be brought down to their level
Of misfortuned chagrin
I've been bitten by an enemy that's pretended to be my friend
No I never wanted to be like them
I thought I was just too clever
To be brought down to their level
Of misfortuned chagrin