如: Frightened Rabbit、The Twilight Sad等樂團都早已擁有眾多樂迷。理性和感性並存的音樂形式,與廣泛嘗試不同樂器的演奏,都是蘇格蘭獨立音樂令人如此著迷的原因,There Will Be Fireworks是其中我最喜歡的樂團之一。
團名聽起來很像國外運動評論員在總決賽結束前會說的一句經典,其實是在某次朋友聚會的隔天,突然出現在團員們的信箱裡的名字,沒有人記得是誰或為什麼打出這句句子,卻又跟他們樂團的個性與音樂類型契合,一致同意下就決定以There Will Be Fireworks作為團名。
2009年,還是大學生的他們獨立發行了首張同名專輯《There Will Be Fireworks》,花了近一年時間在課業之餘錄製,雖然當時還稱不上專業,但他們的音樂已經具備了Explosion In The Sky的大將之風。2013年,畢業後更專注在音樂領域的他們,發行第二張專輯《The Dark, Dark Bright》,你可以聽到TWBF音樂的成熟度和完整性,不變的是主唱McManus濃烈的蘇格蘭腔調,與他們不斷嘗試創新的突破精神。
And Our Hearts Did Beat
開頭獨白是摘錄蘇格蘭詩人Iain Crichton Smith的Two Girls Singing:
It neither was the words nor yet the tune
Any tune would have done and any words.
Any listener at all.
As nightingales in rocks or a child crooning
in its own world of strange awakening
or larks for no reason but themselves.
So on the bus through late November running
by yellow lights tormented, darkness falling,
the two girls sang for miles and miles together
and it wasn't the words or the tune. It was the singing.
It was the human sweetness in that yellow,
the unpredictable voices of our kind.
And our hearts did beat, oh they pounded loudly
But we didn't speak, we just stared
Not a word, just silence struck upon our tongues
And heaven heaved a sigh out from its lungs
Ash Wednesday
Home's where the hurt is too
I left at last call
Dreamed a ghost on the 44
In amber light, the city sleeps peaceful tonight
On Ash Wednesday
The Good Days
又是一首對過去充滿無限嚮往的歌曲,與And Our Heart Did Beat呼應,不斷喚起那些曾經美好的日子,同時也透過TWBF帶你在音樂裡找回熟悉的溫暖,世界不會一直在灰色地帶自轉,雨過天青的那天終會到來。
This used to be my city
This used to be my town
Now everyone's a stranger
Well hell mend you now
This used to be my dear green place
This used to be mine
I remember music
I remember it was warm
《The Dark, Dark Bright》帶你在過去尋找最初的感動,一步一步找回那個很容易滿足快樂的自己,是一張會讓你在最黑暗的時刻看見希望的專輯,誠摯推薦給喜歡音樂的你們。