《Sometimes I Sit And Think, Sometimes I Just Sit》已被各大樂評(如:Pitchfork、Rolling Stone、The Guardian等) 譽為2015年的最佳專輯,來自澳洲墨爾本的Courtney Barnett,成功用她獨特的音樂,捕捉生命裡不平凡的平凡時刻。
自2011年的EP《I've got a Friend Called Emily Ferris》到2014年的《The Double EP: A Sea of Spilt Peas》,Bernett早已是樂迷口耳相傳的好聲音。聽她的音樂雖然很情緒化卻不過火,偶有憂愁煩惱卻從不誇大,她謙虛又能看透世界的眼光,你都能在Barnett的音樂裡聽見、看見。
2015年終於發行首張專輯《Sometimes I Sit And Think, Sometimes I Just Sit》,Bernett毫不掩飾自我,用"I think I'm shit some days, but some days I'm pretty good."的態度,以半說半唱的方式,在旋律之間穿插著,太忘我的演奏,讓歌詞也顯得可有可無,因為Barnett表演本身就是一篇新的故事了,一篇特立獨行讀來卻津津有味的文章。
Then I see the handrail in the shower, a collection of those canisters for coffee tea and flour
And a photo of a young man in a van in Vietnam
And I can't think of floorboards anymore, whether the front room faces south or north
And I wonder what she bought it for
If you've got a spare half a million
You could knock it down and start rebuildin'