暨三月份推薦超適合暖春午後聽的花草系dreampop樂隊- Real Estate之後,今天要一連推薦兩個小清新dreampop音樂人,巧的是兩人是朋友且目前都定居在Oakland,同時都將於今年發行專輯/EP。音樂風格都帶著濃濃夏日午後慵懶氣息的dreampop,以及那讓人忍不住跟著輕搖晃腦哼唱的surf music,彷彿正站在衝浪板上看著閃閃發光的海面發呆,在海平面上做著躺在非洲大草原的白日夢。
暨三月份推薦超適合暖春午後聽的花草系dreampop樂隊- Real Estate之後,今天要一連推薦兩個小清新dreampop音樂人,巧的是兩人是朋友且目前都定居在Oakland,同時都將於今年發行專輯/EP。音樂風格都帶著濃濃夏日午後慵懶氣息的dreampop,以及那讓人忍不住跟著輕搖晃腦哼唱的surf music,彷彿正站在衝浪板上看著閃閃發光的海面發呆,在海平面上做著躺在非洲大草原的白日夢。
除了有穩固的音樂基礎,Maiah的演出經驗也非常豐富。曾擔任Mary Lambert巡迴演出的和聲歌手,也曾加入the esoterics組織裡優秀的聲樂歌手並參與無數大小演出。辨識度極高且音域廣闊的聲線,在2014年發表的第一首個人作品- Hold Your Head Up後,讓Maiah迅速受到各界矚目。
“There’s just such an intimacy to Cigarettes After Sex’s sound
that it’s impossible to not let it into the pit of your belly.” - Independent Music News
如果哪個樂隊總是有辦法將無以名狀的憂傷唱入心坎裡,那肯定是Cigarettes After Sex。
2008由首腦Greg Gonzalez在德州錄製第一張EP《I.》後,開始以Cigarette After Sex的身份演出,久未有新作的他們,直到2015年才又發行新單曲《Affection》、《Keep on Loving You》,2016年年底隨著新單曲《K.》的發行,樂隊宣布將於2017年6月9日正式發表最新大碟《Apocalypse》。
Cigarettes After Sex總是能讓人一股腦的栽入他們音樂裡溫暖閒適的氛圍裡,在不自覺的循環播放後,內心的傷感早已隨著Greg雌雄難辨的嗓音滿溢而出,沈浸在並存的浪漫與心碎,久久無法抽離。
今天要跟大家分享一個很有趣的實驗,是1997年心理學家Arthur Aron的【The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings (人際親密感的產生實驗)】,想知道兩個陌生人是否會因此墜入愛河。
相信大家都經歷過所謂的低朝吧,四年前有段期間應該算是我目前為止人生最低落的轉折點吧。你會覺得整個世界都在跟你作對,就是一種me against the world alone的概念。然後也不想跟任何人分享自己的感受,因為其他人都太過愚蠢根本不懂。那段期間由於太過封閉,我把精神都寄託在閱讀跟音樂上,一有空就往唱片行和書店跑,過於沈溺在寂靜無聲形式的依賴,反而活在更自我的世界裡,徹底跟外界脫節。
How long have you lived and how long will you live? Life is combined with several planes with lines and points encounter each other. Sometimes shit happens and reality almost beats you down completely. It make you feel like there's no purpose to live again, why not just giving up, it would be the easiest way for yourself and others. However, you are wrong. I believe it that everything happened for a reason, either happiness or sadness/anger, they exist for the reason. Maybe it won't turn out immediately or even in years, but trust me, it would. It would come into your life in the slightest way. Maybe you are thinking that I am too young to tell you this deep principle, since there's no way that I would understand it. I both agree and disagree with you. What triggered my sentimentality today is the 2016 film, Collateral Beauty". The storyline is very simple: a man lost his daughter and also the purpose of living, and a series encounters happened. Script isn't the priority I want to share with you today, but the three abstract concepts running through the whole movie: Love, Time, and Death. For me, those won't be the only crucial elements in life circle; however, they are indeed something we encounter everyday. I am gonna dig into each one, talk a bit of my feelings of it, and link one song after which I think it's the most suitable expression for it at the moment in my life. Love exists in every form around you. I always tell myself don't forget to love and