About Time 真愛每一天 如果能穿越時空回到過去,你想改變甚麼? 見一面已無法再見的親人、扭轉一個你不滿意的現狀、 還是盡全力追回你愛的那個她/他? 男主角Tim將這個家族秘密流傳的時空旅行能力, 在一連串戲劇性事件發生後,終於追到他一生的摯愛Mary。 然而好景不常,Tim的妹妹因為感情不順遂而發生意外, 接著父親驟逝的消息更讓全家人陷入悲傷中, Tim靠著時空旅行試圖改變妹妹的命運,卻也意外的改變了自己孩子的性別。透過不斷的回到過去與父親見面,他瞭解了有孩子後無法在回到孩子出生前的過去做改變,就在Mary臨盆在即前,Tim與父親見了最後一面,他選擇了未來,並不代表遺忘過去,而是學會承擔責任。 父親帶著Tim一起回到孩童時期他們最愛的海灘打水漂,笑中帶淚的替今生的父子情份作了完美的結尾。Tim回到妻子與孩子們身邊,他知道未來的每一天都會是珍貴且無可取代的。 電影談及親情、愛情、與友情,如何在有限的一天裡過著比其他人更值得的生活,「愛你所活、活出你愛」是我們每天都在學習的課題。 電影裡有段話非常中肯,我也總將它放在心上: "We are all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride." 我們每天都一起穿越時空,我們能做的就是盡其所能的去珍惜這趟不平凡的人生旅程"
Her 雲端情人 男主角的工作是專職替人書寫信件, 他能透過照片與文字感受到書信往來者的愛與哀愁, 但他自己的感情世界卻總是笨拙又孤單。 然而一切都在他認識人工智能Samantha後徹底改變, 他戀愛、忌妒、心碎,卻漸漸學會愛人與被愛。 雲端情人是一部從頭到尾都很寂寞的電影, 這種孤寂不是身邊缺乏家人朋友情人的孤獨, 而是缺少志同道合與歸屬感的寂寞。 在感情世界裡我們貪心的索求更多溫暖, 其實也不過是渴望有人能給自己一個深深的擁抱, 如此簡單而已。 Karen O - The Moon Song
There's things I wish I knew There's no thing I'd keep from you It's a dark and shiny place But with you my dear I'm safe and we're a million miles away 在你面前我從來沒有任何隱瞞,你是我心之所在,但怎麼的我還是好寂寞。
除了音樂外,電影也是我攝取藝文養分的重要來源之一。 但是我有個壞習慣,對於電影情節的記性小於對配樂的哼哼唱唱, 所以決定介紹一些自己很喜歡的電影配樂給你們聽,當然也推薦以下的電影給大家囉。 Little Miss Sunshine 小太陽的願望 Olive一直是我很喜歡的小女孩角色, 總是勇往直前毫不猶豫的向前衝刺, 同時也不斷帶給身邊的人愛與勇氣, 每看一次電影就又再次充滿面對挑戰的決心。 電影原聲帶更是包含各種情緒的小品, Sufjan Stevens - Chicago 唱著: 即使犯了再多的錯,只要下定決心沒有推不垮的高牆。 Do You Think There's A Heaven 用簡單的弦樂與管樂奏出充滿希望的樂章, 如果你現在迷失了方向,請閉上眼用心聽, 相信不久後就能找到你的歸屬。 Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
樂團介紹:The Crookes、Tribes、M83 來自英國Sheffied的 The Crookes,他們的音樂時而充滿浪漫不已的歌詞,時而卻又讓女孩心碎, 深受五零年代的搖滾樂、六零年代的女孩樂團與八零年代的樂團 The Smiths影響, The Crookes的音樂帶給你漫步在雲端最浪漫的白日夢。 這個在柏林不插電演出的版本非常簡單卻讓人印象深刻, 第一首Yes, Yes, We're magician給我在巴黎塞納河畔聽街頭藝人演出般強烈的臨場感, 像詩一般的歌詞一直是The Crookes無可取代的美麗特色, 敘事性強如吟遊詩人般娓娓道來一個接一個令人難忘的故事。 "And the crowds'll stop and stare Mrs Porter's crying "Keep that kid away from my bear" I've got 10 bob on that one and I'll not be having no mad-arsed kid do me wrong And suddenly the curtain falls"
擁有Value of the Sun美稱的Phoenix,日出日落都給人無盡的驚喜。 午後在運河步道上數著呼吸慢跑,跑著跑著抬頭望向Piestewa Peak, 深紫色的夕陽大片灑落在荒蕪的稜線上,折射出若有似無的光影, 恰似安排好的耳機裡緩緩播放Tame Impala的Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, 替眼前這片無法用言語形容的美奏出最佳的配樂。 開始了整晚的Psychedelic Music循環。
Tame Impala是來自澳洲自2007年開始的迷幻搖滾樂團, 音樂總像一陣山谷裡吹來的清風,帶著不知名的淡淡花香味,舒適又充滿幻想空間。 閉上眼聽著Tame Impala曾有人說就像吸食LSD後所帶來的幻覺那樣魔幻, 連Wikipedia裡的樂團timeline介紹都帶有psychedelic風格的他們, 絕對值得投資在你iPhone的播放清單裡!
"It feels like I only go backwards baby, Every part of me says go ahead, I've got my hopes up again, oh no, not again. It feels like we only go backwards, darlin" "稍作停留的喘息是成長的必須"
When I woke up this morning, loneliness stroke me all of sudden, and I looked up on my calendar, then realized it's November 11 today., which is aka "single holiday" in China, because of its symbol as four single people "11/11." I am not a super homesick kinda person, just like sometimes you crave chocolate, because you love it so much, and so do I feel towards my family. I love them so much and they are always on my mind wherever I am. By coincidence, I clicked my old playlist which I created probably 8, 9 years ago, overwhelmingly, all the memories with my family swept all over me. I remembered every family we planned ahead, every great lesson my parents taught my brother and I, and every moment we spent all together as the best team in the world. Today, as a tribute to my beloved family, I would like to share some songs we love to listen during trip with you. Maybe it will remind you the 90's feeling. Hope you enjoy them!
Signal Hill emerged in 2004 from Los Angeles, where is know for the cluster of urban noises and creative possibilities. The bond between four members creates the explosiveness and sparks in their music. After releasing first five-song SELF_TITLED EP, Signal Hill received unpredictably huge reverberate from audiences and their ascending fan base successfully spread their name nationally. Soon after the EP, Signal Hill finally published its full-length album, More After We're Gone. Unsurprising, this emotionally delicate album made a hit with following collaborations with films, independent projects, and most importantly the chance to perform on stage with well-known bands, such as, They Will Destroy You, Caspian, and many others. However, Signal Hill wasn't satisfied with their success in the US; instead, they decided to head over to Australia for more opportunities and new possibilities to absorb different music genres in their own. The trajectory of Signal Hill couldn't be portrayed with a single straight line, but with many pauses and a few uncertain turns. Owing to several reasons, band members couldn't stay at same city for their music career; however, the camaraderie in between them only grows more solid day after day. The distance and experiences add up the variety and mature into the band's music pieces. You could find brand new stories in every song.
Iceland Airwaves is an annual music festival held in Reykjavik, Iceland since 1999 featuring new music from both international and domestic. David Fricke from the Rolling Stone magazine once described Iceland Airwaves as "the hippest weekend on the annual music-festival calendar." The acceptance of every music genres makes Iceland music well-known by its viariety and uniqueness, and encourages more new musicians to stand out with their own creativities. Although they are isolated from the rest of the continents in the world, the diversity of music might be the best you could find so far.
You might not be familiar with his name, Hom, Shen-Hao, but when I speak of "Touming Magazine", the famous independent alternative/punk/rock band in Taiwan, you instantly know.
Personally I love both the punk style of Touming Magazine, and Hom, Shen-Hao's calmer performance. One interesting fact to share with, while in the show of the band, 90 percent of the audience might be males, and during the show of Hom, Shen-Hao himself, it's would be completely reverse. Either you prefer full-set punk band, or acoustic guitar only, I bet you would love both experience with Touming Magazine and Hom, Shen-Hao. Only released one album so far, Touming Magazine is still lots people's favorite Taiwanese band (including myself). After a two-year break time, they announced last weekend that there would be more foreseeing performances in the future which I am sure that you definitely don't want to miss all.
This song from Touming Magazine is called "Midnight Dinner" which described someone who couldn't fall asleep at three o'clock. With that dreamy feeling, he/she observed and pondered things around the world, and then, it's morning again, another brand new day, another fresh start. In an interview, they said this album might be a bit low-fi while recording; however, it reflected the very thought, might be rough but true, of band members in their beats, their music. So simple and pure, I think that's why people like Touming Magazine, and their simplified music.
Hom, Shen-Hao's record label
OK, back to Hom, Shen-Hao, the vocal/guitar of Touming Magazine. He released his debut album under his own record label in 2013. People are surprised of the genre-changing from this young musician. He explained in his former interview that he composes new music almost everyday, and there's no limitation of styles for him. Some of his own composition are pretty achievable that he would like to share with people, and that's how "Light Coral" was made, a simple concept of sharing.
The intro song of Light Coral is called "Night Cruising". Because he personally like wandering at night in Taipei City, then he gathered all the ideas of his fond toward quiet nights and freedom into this song. I do feel the free spirit of night walk from Hom, Shen-Hao's Night Cruising. How about you?
Then this song "Quality of Sleep" is my favorite song form Light Carol album. He simply built a fantasy dream in his music. In his lyrics, lingering around the same street, quietly and secretly, no one ever really cares about you, and you don't actually mind others' gossip. "Be yourself, no matter how life treat you", is what I get after listening to this song. No matter how life sucks, you can always escape/hide in your own created dreams. The other reason I love this song is the instrument-changing which create several different possibility for listener to build their own world. With a gloomy start with drums and piano using repeated melody to create a steady base, and then adds up different instruments, such as guitar and synthesizer to embrace listeners with magical dreamy atmosphere where you would never let your imagination down. In December 2014, Hom, Shen-Hao released his second album "Bored" also under his own record label_Petit alp record, and this is the fifth album under his label within only one year. We can tell his passion on music never fades away but increasing. Although. from other interviews, he confessed that finance is still very hard for every independent label and musician. So, if you have time and passion towards independent music, wherever you are, please stand out and participate any performances you like to support those musician. That's their motivation to keep making good music.
"Bored" is absolutely my favorite song of this album, because the rap part and mostly its lyrics. If you have tried to change the world in your own way, then you must hold the same feeling as Hom, Shen-Hao did. It's hard to get out from the frame the society built hundreds years ago, but you gotta try, you gotta walk on the edge to create your own contribution to change the world. Hom, Shen-Hao is a productive and brilliant musician. He won't be satisfied with how the world already is; instead, he's cling to the edge of what-you-should-do-as-a-human/musician/citizen/whatever hoping to provide "something important" to things he cares by music. The answer of innocence and pure heart is why people like him and his music collection.
Ólafur Arnalds’ music has accompanied me through many unsteady times, both the darkest and the brightest, so it’s not a stretch to call him my life mentor. His music teaches me what life is and how to get through the ups and downs of my life.
I discovered his music through a live-stream a few years ago with the album called “Found Songs”. It’s a collection of his one-day-one-song composition, without overediting, Arnald posted his compositions online. A few weeks later, he released this “Found Songs” album and captured people’s ears and hearts immediately. From then on, I completely fell for his music and never let myself go from his music world which delicately balances between indie rock and classical.
“Ljósið” from Found Songs is the only song which can explain how life goes on with simplified piano and violin melody forthrightly taking you into the flow of life. “Ljósið” means “light” in the Icelandic language. Thank you for being the lighthouse in my life through your soothing.
Death Cab for Cutie is an well-known American alternative rock band, starting since 2007, but they faced a tremendous change last year before new album released which is that Chris Walla, the leading guitarist announced the news of leaving Death Cab for Cutie. I believe that it's a shocking moment for all their fans; however, Walla promised he would continued contributing to the recording and creative process as a full band member until the album's completion. If you are looking for the uncoordinated and falling-apart sounds from the band, then you'd better turn around and leave. 《Kintsugi》is still an dedicated, classic Death Cab for Cutie album which comes along with lots of whether self-referential or someone else's stories.
認識H先生後每三個月到機場來已經成為常態了, 從一開始的擔憂與不捨, 到現在早已習慣等候與新的三個月的見面擁抱, 緣分很珍貴、珍貴到每一次的分離與相聚都要當成永恆才足夠。 I am so used to come to Int'l airport every three months with H, and we both learn to embrace every moment however it's another separation or assembly. 又是一個人坐在候機室裡一字一句的咀嚼著帶來打發時間的書籍, 這次陪伴我的是推理懸疑小說《Ship of Theseus》, 偶爾放空觀察處於跟我一樣耐心等待的人們, 雖然我和他們是全然陌生人的這個事實不會改變, 但是我們都等著那個能在心底掀起一次次波瀾的的那個人, 這也是我喜歡待在候機室的唯一原因吧。 I brought my recent favorite book "Ship of Theseus" to kill extra time. I love solving puzzles with characters in this mysterious fiction which gives me goosebumps all the time while reading it. Sometimes I get tired from reading; instead, I observe people who wait for there loved one as I do. The only reason supports me being here is that we all share the same mood of wait in the small room and as people step forwards to hug theirs, I am one step closer to my H.