2014年12月9日 星期二

midnight talk Day 2

Weather today in Taipei is horribly horrible.
Hands are so cold while not held by you.

Make a decision not to disturb your life for a week. 
I know it gonna be very difficult, maybe I will break the rule first, but let's see.
Don't want to be your burden for hovering around in your world, just so needy in this cold day.

I love you more than I have.
Ever found a way to say to you.

It's very difficult to live daily life alone here, after all those good days and memories with you.
On the same daily route, I can see you everywhere.
On the same bed we used to snuggle, I can feel your warmth still.
On the same chair next to the one I sit now, I can sense the incoming kiss from you still.

Winter is the season for hugs, can't agree more.
Please don't worry about me, don't call me, don't talk to me for a week.
I will be just fine.

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way
To tell you that I know we belong

That I know that I am
I am, I am the luckiest

I love you.

