hallo my charming.
Miss you so badly today. Actually this article is a make-up one for yesterday's absence here.
I could say it's the most difficult moment eva sine you were gone yesterday. Almost thought I will lose my mind on the way home my darlin. Thanks the universe that I survive. That's why I am here writing our Day 20 for you.
Still feeling very tired but nice to know you are safe and sound (as you said) in Phoenix. If you are happy, so am I
This song is called " Thinking, drinking, sinking feeling"
Have you eva felt this feeling around me? I do.
But I will make you see, that you belong to me
Stick me to you, nature needs no glue
I could hold you tighter, and I could make you lighter
Than the air that you've been breathin
Like the guitar melody loops in the background and also at 2'20 when they start clapping hands with the beat.
Being with you always makes me feel tipsy in the air, always so unforgettable.
‘Cos I’m a lazy quitter I panic and I dither
I’ll only lose your patience You’ll only find me rude
Only if you're certain That I'm the perfect human
Only if the time frame Will never get the blame
Day 20 already. More closer to your home. When you were not with me, I panic and dither just make myself a spaz. Thank you for being my painkiller and lifevest, you are always the best choice I've eva made.
Can't wait to touch your soft face and belly, I love you so so so much.