2014年12月28日 星期日

midnight talk Day 21

3 multiplies 7 equals to 21. Both our favorite numbers make Day 21. So I feel being surrounded by you today.
Came home from intravenous injection this afternoon, just woke up after being in dazzling. I an used to take care of myself more, and understand the importance to care myself for you, not letting you worry of me there.
Only the moment they insert the needle into my arms, can't hold my tears awkwardly. Not afraid of the pain but the helplessness.

i sang the words i meant
i sang

This sorta music is defined in slowcore with bleak lyrics, downbeat melodies, slower tempos and minimalist arrangement. Simplify the music but still touch people's heart.
Also the title corresponds to the melody itself so much, lullaby. Who said lullaby suppose to make people laugh?Sometimes you have no one to sing lullaby for yourself but you. In the midnight, at the most vulnerable moment, I only sang the words I meant in the make-up song written by myself. Pure loneliness fills in the night and also for the theme song.

Watching the spot where the needle be inserted, I felt the helplessness again over and over.
It's gonna be a long night to get through again.

